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ComputerTalk stands out from its competitors by exceeding client expectations

by Erina Suzuki | Published On May 5, 2023

ComputerTalk is excited to announce that we’re scored a leader in exceeding client expectations in InfoTech Research Group’s SoftwareReviews.

Founded in 1997, Info-Tech Research Group is now the world’s fastest-growing information technology research and advisory group. They serve over 30,000 IT professionals worldwide, helping them make well-informed strategic decisions by producing unbiased and highly relevant research.

Info-Tech’s latest division, SoftwareReviews, was officially launched in 2017. SoftwareReviews collects and analyzes detailed reviews from software users to provide a thorough understanding of products from the unbiased perspectives of the people who use them. They verify users and check each review for authenticity to maintain high-quality, reliable data.

SoftwareReviews’ report, published last Spring, evaluated different contact center vendors on whether they were over-promising or over-delivering. They were scored based on how well they could deliver what they promised and whether they met and/or exceeded clients’ expectations. ice Contact Center demonstrated a notable lead in this category, with a score of 94 against Five9 (69), NICE (65), and Genesys (65).

ComputerTalk exceeds client expectations

Customer service at ComputerTalk involves understanding and addressing our client’s needs in a timely and proactive manner, and going above and beyond what is expected. We continue to operate using a customer-focused approach as evidenced by scoring 94 against Five9’s score of 69, and NICE and Genesys each scoring 65. ComputerTalk exceeds client expectations in various ways including our customer support team providing clients with additional assistance or ensuring they have all the information needed to make an informed decision. ComputerTalk strives to provide the best possible experience.

Our clients have reported high levels of satisfaction, citing our responsiveness and helpfulness. Michelle Corbett, IT Operations Lead at Bob Barker Company, said, “The product is easy to use, easy to troubleshoot, and easy to administer. And when in doubt, easy to contact customer service on!”

ComputerTalk’s success in providing exceptional customer service has strengthened its reputation in the industry and contributed to its continued growth.

ice Contact Center’s score against its competitors was significant. ComputerTalk’s dedication to providing outstanding customer service has contributed to its success and positioned it as a top-performing player in the industry. Our team at ComputerTalk addresses our clients' needs in a personalized, timely, and proactive manner. We are committed to providing exceptional service that goes above and beyond what is expected to ensure our clients’ satisfaction. Request a demo to learn more about ice Contact Center and how ComputerTalk can support your needs.

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