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  • The 9 Best Questions to Ask When Evaluating Contact Center Vendors to Avoid Hidden Fees

    by Shaundalee Carvalho | Published On June 13, 2022

    Everyone knows that great customer service is important to any business. Naturally, that means that the contact center you use for customer service is an important decision to make. With so many options out there, and the pressure of knowing your organization’s customer service depends on it, it can be a tough decision. The process can be complicated and time-consuming, so it can be especially disappointing when you think you’ve found the perfect solution, only to realize that there are hidden fees that will make it cost more than expected.

  • The Complete Guide to Handling Challenging Customers

    by Erina Suzuki | Published On May 31, 2022

    If you work at a contact center, you’ve probably encountered angry and frustrated customers from time to time.

  • Call Center Burnout: A Complete Guide

    by Shaundalee Carvalho | Published On May 20, 2022

    Employee burnout is a major problem in call centers. Learn about the signs and best practices to prevent call center burnout.

  • 11 Things to Consider When Choosing a Contact Center

    by Erina Suzuki | Published On May 13, 2022

    Contact centers play a vital role in enabling communication between businesses and their customers. They also build client relationships, resolve issues, and provide opportunities for sales.

  • Here's How Technology Can Solve 4 Major Operational Problems in Healthcare

    by Shaundalee Carvalho | Published On May 6, 2022

    In a society heavily impacted by a recent global pandemic, hospitals have been under a strain unlike any seen before in our lifetime. With this and the day-to-day strains of staff shortages and an aging population, the healthcare industry needs all the help it can get. That’s where technology comes in. In addition to the obvious ways that technology can help, like advances in tools for diagnostics and patient care, there are plenty of ways that technology can be of assistance in an administrative or operational capacity. Read on for four operational problems faced by the healthcare industry that technology can help to solve.

  • New Call Center Agents Should Keep These 7 Tips in Mind

    by Erina Suzuki | Published On April 29, 2022

    Congratulations! You nailed the interview, got the job, and your first day as a call center agent is right around the corner.

  • Staff Spotlight: Jennifer Sutcliffe

    by Erina Suzuki | Published On April 12, 2022

    I am the 7th child out of an 8 child family. I learned early on that I was part of not just a family but a team. There was a big age difference, but that did not stop us from just being family, we were a tribe. We did not just share genetics; we shared goals, aspirations, and core beliefs. Although we are now grown, we choose to spend time together, like no time has passed. Our tribe has grown; no longer just siblings, we have in-laws, children, nieces, nephews, grandchildren, and fur babies.




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