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Gamification for Contact Centers: The Ultimate Guide

by Kent Mao | Published On January 23, 2024 | Last Updated March 31, 2024

Gamification for call centers

Imagine a contact center where work doesn't feel like a daily grind, but more like an exciting game that everyone's eager to play.

That's the magic of gamification in contact centers, and the benefits can be very substantial. 

By turning routine tasks into engaging challenges with rewards, gamification injects a dose of fun into the workplace, sparking enthusiasm and motivation among agents. Picture agents cheering each other on, striving to outperform and achieve those coveted rewards.  

It's not just about turning work into play. Gamification serves as a powerful tool for optimizing performance and enhancing the overall customer experience within contact centers.

Keep reading to learn the benefits of gamification, popular gamification ideas and strategies, and the best software solutions for gamifying your contact center.

What is Gamification? 

Gamification involves integrating game design elements into non-game environments, such as contact centers, to enhance user engagement and motivation. 

By leveraging elements such as points, badges, leaderboards, and rewards, gamification seeks to tap into intrinsic human desires for competition, achievement, and recognition.   

Originally conceptualized as a means to drive consumer interaction in marketing, gamification has found widespread application across various sectors, including business and education.  

In corporate settings, it is often employed to improve employee performance, foster collaboration, and boost productivity.  

Why Add Gamification to Your Contact Center? 

Gallup study found that nearly 70% of workers in the United States weren’t meeting their potential at work. Of those workers, 52% were not engaged and 18% were actively disengaged, costing nearly $550 billion in lost productivity.

This cost makes it clear that employee engagement is essential for organizations to truly thrive. Gamification is one way that organizations can tackle the problem of disengaged employees and the associated lagging performance.

By incorporating elements such as points, badges, and leaderboards into daily tasks and performance metrics, gamification can make work more enjoyable and rewarding for contact center agents.

Here are the many benefits of contact center gamification:

  • Increased employee engagement: Gamification injects a sense of fun and competition into daily tasks, leading to higher levels of engagement among contact center agents. 
  • Enhanced motivation: Gamification motivates agents to achieve and exceed performance metrics, which drives continuous improvement within the workforce. 
  • Improved productivity: The competitive and reward-driven nature of gamification encourages agents to work more efficiently, resulting in increased productivity and a more effective contact center operation. 
  • Heightened employee satisfaction: The interactive and rewarding aspects of gamification contribute to a positive work environment, fostering a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction among agents. 
  • Reduced turnover: Gamification can help create a more enjoyable work atmosphere, which, in turn, reduces employee turnover by increasing job satisfaction and motivation. 
  • Enhanced training: Incorporating gamification into training programs makes learning more engaging and memorable, leading to improved retention of information and skills. 
  • Team collaboration: Gamification promotes a sense of camaraderie and healthy competition among team members, fostering collaboration and a supportive work culture. 
  • Real-time performance tracking: Gamification platforms often provide real-time analytics, allowing managers to track agent performance and identify areas for improvement instantly. 
  • Better customer experience: Motivated and engaged agents are more likely to provide better customer service.

Contact Center Gamification Ideas and Strategies 

computer game screenAdding gamification to your contact center can be as simple as tracking key performance metrics on a daily or weekly basis, or as complex as leveraging the latest software tools to fully immerse your staff in gamification. Either way, gamifying your contact center requires a lot of creativity and enthusiasm.

Here are a few ideas and strategies that you can use to introduce gamification to your organization.

Leaderboards and Competitions 

Implementing leaderboards and friendly competitions within the contact center creates a sense of healthy rivalry among agents. By tracking individual and team performance metrics, agents can see their standings in real time, fostering a spirit of competition that motivates them to excel. Regularly updating and publicizing these leaderboards adds an element of excitement and recognition, driving agents to consistently strive for the top spot and elevating overall productivity. 

Reward-Based Recognition Programs 

Introduce a reward-based system where agents earn points or badges for achieving specific milestones, surpassing targets, or delivering exceptional customer service. These rewards can be redeemed for tangible incentives, recognition in team meetings, or even extra breaks. If you're struggling to think of ideas for rewards, start by asking your employees what they want. Such recognition programs not only provide tangible benefits but also contribute to a positive work culture, boosting morale and job satisfaction among agents. 

Storytelling and Narrative Elements 

Infuse a narrative element into gamification by creating a storyline or theme for challenges and achievements. For example, agents can embark on a journey, overcoming challenges and reaching milestones within this narrative. This approach adds an element of storytelling to the workplace, making tasks more engaging and providing a sense of purpose, enhancing both the intrinsic and extrinsic motivation of the agents. 

Dynamic and Evolving Challenges 

Keep gamification fresh and dynamic by introducing evolving challenges that adapt to changing business priorities or seasonal demands. Whether it's tackling a surge in customer inquiries during peak times or mastering new product features, dynamic challenges ensure that gamification remains relevant and aligned with the contact center's overarching goals, preventing monotony and fostering continuous improvement. 

Collaborative Team Challenges 

Foster teamwork and camaraderie by incorporating collaborative challenges where agents work together to achieve shared objectives. These challenges could involve meeting collective targets, resolving complex customer issues as a team, or participating in group training activities. Collaborative gamification not only strengthens the bond among team members but also promotes knowledge sharing and a supportive work environment. 

Best Gamification Software for Contact Centers


There are many gamification solutions on the market that integrate with contact centers. Depending on your current contact center provider, you may need to request a custom integration or add-on. 

Let's take a look at some of the best gamification software available today. Each of these solutions offers unique capabilities to suit different needs and budgets, so consider your specific goals and requirements when choosing the best fit for your organization.


Freshdesk is a customer support software that offers gamification features to boost agent engagement and performance. It includes features such as performance dashboards, achievements, and rewards to motivate agents and encourage collaboration. Freshdesk also provides real-time feedback and coaching tools to help agents improve their skills and efficiency. With its user-friendly interface and flexible customization options, Freshdesk is an ideal solution for contact centers looking to implement a gamification platform. 

Key Features: Freshdesk's gamification feature, known as "Freshdesk Arcade," allows managers to set up quests and goals for agents, rewarding points for resolving tickets, receiving positive customer feedback, and adhering to service level agreements.

Ideal For: Businesses looking for a comprehensive customer support platform with built-in gamification.


Playvox offers a comprehensive gamification platform designed specifically for call centers. It integrates with leading contact center software and provides features such as performance tracking, real-time feedback, and customizable gamification elements like badges, challenges, and leaderboards. Playvox also includes quality assurance tools, coaching modules, and analytics dashboards to help managers monitor agent performance.

Key Features: Playvox allows managers to create custom KPIs, contests, and recognition programs, complete with rewards, badges, and leaderboards.

Ideal For: Businesses that want a dedicated performance and quality management solution with extensive gamification options.

Zendesk Explore

Zendesk Explore is a data analytics and reporting tool that includes gamification features. With its intuitive interface and customizable dashboards, Zendesk Explore allows contact center managers to track key performance metrics, set goals, and reward top-performing agents. It also provides insights into customer interactions, enabling agents to deliver personalized and efficient support. Additionally, Zendesk Explore integrates seamlessly with Zendesk's suite of customer service software for a unified contact center solution.

Key Features: When combined with Zendesk's customer service platform, Zendesk Explore can support gamification initiatives by providing the data needed to set up competitions and goals.

Ideal For: Businesses already using Zendesk for customer service that are looking to add a gamification layer by leveraging detailed analytics and reporting.

Zoho Desk

Zoho Desk is a help desk software that offers gamification features to boost agent productivity and motivation. It includes gamified elements such as leaderboards, badges, and achievements to incentivize agents and promote healthy competition. Zoho Desk also provides performance analytics and reports to track agent performance and identify areas for improvement. With its intuitive interface and seamless integration with other Zoho products, Zoho Desk offers a comprehensive solution for contact centers looking to implement gamification strategies.

Key Features: Zoho Desk includes a gamification feature called "Gamescope," which enables contact centers to create contests and award trophies, badges, and points based on various metrics like ticket resolution and customer feedback.

Ideal For: Small to medium-sized businesses that are already using other Zoho tools.


Centrical is a performance management platform that includes gamification features to drive employee engagement and productivity in contact centers. It offers personalized challenges, leaderboards, and rewards to motivate agents and encourage continuous improvement. Centrical also provides real-time feedback and coaching tools to help agents develop their skills and achieve their goals. With its advanced analytics and AI-driven insights, Centrical enables contact center managers to identify trends, optimize workflows, and enhance the overall customer experience.

Key Features: Centrical offers a comprehensive employee engagement and performance management platform that combines advanced gamification, personalized microlearning, and real-time performance management.

Ideal For: Businesses looking for a solution that combines gamification with ongoing learning and performance tracking.

Best Practices for Contact Center Gamification

Best practices for gamifying your contact center include setting clear goals and establishing a system of rewards that motivate and recognize employees' efforts. When introducing gamification to your contact center, keep in mind the following best practices.  

Align with Business Objectives

Ensure that the gamification strategy is aligned with the overarching goals and objectives of the contact center, promoting behaviors and achievements that contribute to organizational success. 

Communicate Clearly

Clearly communicate the purpose, rules, and rewards associated with gamification to all contact center agents, fostering transparency and understanding. 

Define Meaningful Metrics and Goals

Identify key performance indicators (KPIs) that align with business objectives and use them as the basis for gamification, ensuring that the focus is on activities that drive overall success. Gamification is driven by performance metrics. Through gamification, agents can set specific goals with management teams to give them something to work towards. Clear goals are an excellent way to provide direction and motivation. 

Create a Balanced Rewards System

Design a balanced reward system that recognizes both individual achievements and team collaboration, promoting a healthy and cooperative work environment. 

Regularly Update and Refresh

Keep the gamification elements fresh and exciting by regularly updating challenges, rewards, and leaderboards to prevent monotony and maintain agent interest. 

Incorporate Social Elements

Integrate social features into gamification, such as team challenges and peer recognition, to foster a sense of community and healthy competition among agents. Intrinsic motivation for employees to do better than they’ve done before is important. But competing with peers is an additional external source of motivation that can be highly effective. 

Offer Varied Challenges

Provide a variety of challenges and activities to cater to different agent preferences and skill sets, ensuring that gamification appeals to a diverse workforce. 

Provide Real-time Feedback

Offer instant feedback on agent performance through leaderboards, allowing individuals to track their progress and make necessary improvements in real time. By watching leaderboards, employees can monitor their own performance in real time, allowing them to adjust as needed. If they realize they’re falling behind, they can step up their efforts immediately, rather than waiting until the next time they have a performance review to identify an issue. 

Ensure Accessibility and Inclusivity

Make sure that the gamification platform is accessible to all agents and inclusive of diverse preferences. This will help avoid potential exclusion or discrimination. 

Promote Voluntary Participation

Encourage voluntary participation in gamification activities by emphasizing the benefits, fostering a sense of autonomy among agents who choose to engage. 

Integrate with Training Programs

Seamlessly integrate gamification into training programs to enhance learning effectiveness, making onboarding and skill development more engaging and memorable. 

Regularly Evaluate and Adjust

Periodically evaluate the effectiveness of the gamification strategy by collecting feedback and analyzing performance data. Adjust the approach as needed to address any challenges or capitalize on successes. 

3 Future Trends in Gamification

In the coming years, gamification will only continue to gain popularity in the contact center world. AI-powered gamification software will be able to boost employee motivation and productivity by setting personalized goals and providing instant feedback. Also, innovations such as virtual reality and augmented reality are some examples of where gamification may be headed next. 

Keep reading to learn the top 3 trends shaping the future of contact center gamification. 

1. Personalization and Adaptive Gamification 

Future trends in gamification for contact centers are likely to emphasize personalization and adaptive approaches, tailoring the gamified experience to individual preferences and performance patterns. With the integration of advanced analytics and artificial intelligence, gamification platforms can dynamically adjust challenges, rewards, and feedback based on each agent's strengths, weaknesses, and personal motivators. This personalized approach not only enhances engagement by catering to individual preferences but also maximizes the effectiveness of the gamification strategy in driving improved performance. 

2. Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) Integration 

The future of gamification in contact centers is expected to witness a surge in the incorporation of Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) technologies. These immersive technologies can create simulated environments that make routine tasks more visually engaging and interactive. Agents can navigate virtual scenarios resembling real customer interactions, enhancing their skills in a more dynamic and lifelike setting. This trend not only adds a new dimension to gamification but also contributes to more effective training, skill development, and overall performance improvement within the contact center. 

3. Emphasis on Employee Well-being and Mental Health 

As the understanding of employee well-being becomes increasingly important, future trends in gamification for contact centers will likely prioritize aspects of mental health and work-life balance. Gamification platforms may incorporate features that encourage breaks, mindfulness exercises, or activities promoting stress relief. Recognizing and rewarding agents not just for performance metrics but also for maintaining a healthy work-life balance could become a key element. This trend reflects a broader industry shift towards fostering a positive and supportive workplace culture, acknowledging the importance of mental well-being in sustained employee engagement and productivity. 


Integrating gamification into your contact center can yield many advantages.

By infusing elements of competition, rewards, and interactive challenges, gamification significantly enhances employee engagement, motivating agents to surpass performance metrics and continuously improve their skills.  

The result is a more productive and efficient workforce, positively impacting overall operational efficiency. Gamification can also help build a sense of camaraderie among team members, creating a collaborative work culture that spills over into customer interactions, ultimately improving the quality of customer service.  

To learn more about how to optimize your contact center performance, speak to a ComputerTalk expert today.

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