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Slice of ice Recap – Mastering Evaluations

by Anastasia Micic | Published On November 8, 2024 | Last Updated November 10, 2024

On Wednesday, October 30th, ComputerTalk hosted our latest Slice of ice webinar on mastering the evaluations tool. During this webinar, our Training & Documentation specialist, Diane Vasquez, outlined how to leverage your evaluation tool.

Click here to watch the full recording or read on for a quick recap. 

During our Slice of ice session, we covered the following: 

  1. Overview of evaluation forms 

  2. How to access evaluation forms 

  3. Different types of questions 

  4. How to create, modify, clone, and delete evaluation forms 

  5. Evaluation form reports 

  6. Best practices for creating evaluation forms 

What are evaluation forms? 

Evaluation forms are used by supervisors to evaluate agent performance. This tool can be accessed through iceJournal in the iceManager suite. 

Benefits of evaluation forms include: 

  • Improve customer experience: Evaluation forms allow you to identify strengths and areas for improvement, allowing agents to adjust their customer service. 

  • Goal setting and accountability: These forms help to set clear performance goals, track progress, and hold agents accountable. 

  • Continuous feedback and coaching: Evaluation forms enable managers to provide targeted coaching and feedback to support agents and refine their skills. 

  • Maintain quality assurance: These forms allow supervisors to track agents and ensure they are following company policies, call handling procedures, and conflict resolution strategies.  

  • Standardize performance metrics: This tool allows you to standardize how agent performances are assessed to ensure fairness and consistency across the team.  

  • Gain data-driven insights: These forms generate valuable data that managers can analyze to identify trends in agent performance. 

  • Boost agent morale: Providing feedback ensures your agents feel valued and acknowledged for their efforts, thus enhancing their morale and motivation. 

  • Reduce agent turnover: Consistent feedback contributes to a more engaged workforce.  

How to access evaluation forms 

  1. Log into the iceManager suite and select the Journal tab located at the top of your screen. 

  2. Select the contact you would like to evaluate. Here, you will get a pop-up with the details related to that interaction. 

  3. Scroll to the bottom of the pop-up. There you will find a button called Evaluate. 

  4. Click on the Evaluate button and then select the form you would like to use. 







Permission settings for evaluations: 

  • Team leads can evaluate any agent that belongs to their team. 

  • Supervisors can evaluate any agent in their queue. 

  • Administrators can evaluate all role types, including agents, supervisors, and team leads. 

How to use evaluation forms 

For those that are new to using evaluation forms, there is a template titled, ‘The Agent Evaluation Form’ containing sample questions regarding greetings, customer service quality, and closure. This template can serve as a guideline when creating your own evaluation forms. 

Depending on the type of interaction, you will either have a recording available or a transcript that you can download to review. Once you have thoroughly reviewed the interaction, start evaluating the agent’s performance by selecting the appropriate score for each question. Once you have answered each question, there will be a total score at the bottom of the page, grading the agent’s performance. When you are satisfied with the answers and the score you have provided, click the Submit button on the bottom right corner of the page.  


After evaluating an agent, you can view the evaluation or delete it. Note that once an evaluation is done for a particular agent, you cannot complete another one for them unless you delete the current one. 

How to create, modify, clone, and delete evaluation forms 

To manage your evaluation forms, click the Settings icon on the top right corner of your iceManager page. Under the Administration tab on the left, click Evaluations. Here you can add or view the different evaluation forms created. 

Steps to create a new form 

  1. To create a new evaluation form, select the Add button at the top of your screen. 

  2. Add any languages by searching for the one you’d like and then selecting it. If you want to remove any languages, click the “X” next to it.  

  3. Under ‘Form name” type in the name you would like to give your form. 

  4. Next, click Add New Category to create a group of questions. This can be used to group your questions together. For example, you can group your questions by Greeting, Closure, and Customer Service. 

  5. Click the Add New Criteria button to add a question within the category you just created.  


  1. Select the criteria type by clicking the drop-down menu. Here you can choose between the following: Stars, Buttons, Drop-down, or Slider type questions.  

  2. You can make the question optional by toggling ON next to the ‘Optional field’. To keep it mandatory, the toggle should remain OFF. Creating a question that is optional means whoever is doing the evaluating can skip that question. 

  3. Once you are satisfied with the form, click the Add button on the bottom right and click the okay button to confirm. Your form has now been saved and will appear on the evaluations page. 

Steps to modify a current form 

  1. Under the evaluation page where you have access to all the different forms, there is a pencil icon under ‘Action’. Click this icon to edit an existing form. (See below) 


  1. Once a form has been used, there are two ways in which you can modify that form: through the ‘Restricted edit’ mode or ‘Clone a copy’. 


  1. Restricted edit mode: If you decide to make changes through the restricted edit, you can only make changes to the wording of the category name, criteria name or add those sections to a new language. You cannot make any changes to the minimum or maximum value of a criteria type, or even the number of increments. It is important to note that any changes made in this mode will affect all of the previously completed evaluations. 

  2. Once you have made the changes to the form, you will get a pop-up asking you to Revert or Save. Click the Save button to keep the changes you made, then click ok to confirm.  

When should you use Restricted edit vs Clone a copy

  • If you are looking to add or delete a category, criteria or language, select the Clone a copy mode.  

  • If you are looking to make smaller adjustments like changing the wording of a category or criteria, select the Restricted edit mode.  

Steps to clone a form 

  1. To clone a form, select the Clone icon under the Action column. 


  1. A new form will be created automatically with the same title as the original with ‘Copy’ appended to the end of the name. 

  2. Creating a copy of a form allows you to make any changes to the form. You have the option to add, delete or edit all aspects of the form.  

Steps to delete a form 

  1. To delete any unwanted forms, simply click the Trash icon to delete the form. 

  2. When you hit delete, you will be prompted to confirm you wish to delete the form. Click yes to confirm. 

  3. Keep in mind that deleting an evaluation form will automatically delete all of the associated data with that form. 

Evaluation form reports 

In the iceManager suite, on the top of your screen select ‘Reports’ to access iceReporting. On the left-hand side of your screen under ‘Reports’ scroll down and click the Evaluations folder to access the evaluation form reports. Select the report you want to access from the list and click the Print or View button in the middle of the screen.  

If you would like to receive a recurring report, you can schedule any of the reports to receive them on a monthly, weekly daily, or hourly basis by clicking the Schedule button in the middle of the screen. The image below outlines all of the parameters associated with scheduling a report. 


How to pull evaluation form reports: 

  1. First, set the following parameters: Start and End Date, Which Queues, Sort By, and more. 

  2. Select the method of how you want to access the form. If you want to print the report, select the Print button. If you want to download or save the report to your computer, select the View button.  

  3. As previously mentioned, if you would like to schedule a report, click the Schedule button. Here you will be prompted to input the Schedule Type, Format Type, Run (how often you want the report to run), and more. 

Note, when you are setting the parameters for the Start date and End date in your reports, make sure that you input when the contact has entered the system and not when the evaluation was done.  

The image below is a great example when outlining parameters for a report. Let’s say a contact came into ice on September 12 and an evaluation was done on them on October 29. If you select the following dates: 

  • September 11 to October 30 – The evaluation will be included in the report. 

  • October 1 to October 30 – The evaluation will not be included in the report.