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How to achieve 99.99% uptime for your contact center with icePhone

What is uptime and why is it so important? In short, the higher your uptime the more reliable you are as a contact center. Migrating to the cloud and/or integrating icePhone within your contact center can lead to a 99.99%...
Staff Spotlight: Laura Simmonds

My journey to ComputerTalk started at Wilfrid Laurier University; I was in my 4th year of a Communications Studies degree and was still figuring out what I wanted to do after graduating. I decided to go to the Waterloo Career...
7 Steps Supervisors Must Take To Manage Agents Working In A Hybrid Environment

Since the pandemic many organizations have opted to implement a hybrid work environment where employees have the flexibility to choose when they work in the office. Here are some tips to ensure your contact center is operating efficiently and that...